Friday, July 29, 2011

Dynamic Architecture

"This Dynamic Architecture building by David Fisher will be constantly in motion changing its shape. It will also generate electric energy for itself."

The Dynamic Tower, or also to be known as The Dynamic Architecture Building, or The Davinci Tower is a 420 meter (1,378 ft), 80-floor moving skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, designed by a modern architect David Fisher.(ref. Wikipedia)

It was said that the tower will be using wind turbines and solar panels to generate electricity. Energy efficient yet enough to provide electricity should be produced to surplus power to the other five similar sized buildings in the vicinity.

Wow. this structure is really awesome. It looks so cool. I'm speechless!

Evidently, we're already at the new era wherein technology could be the means of our living, and even as a dwelling place for us to live.

Skyscraper, is like a "monument", it signifies power. It's like the "bling-bling' of a city, or even a country.

So having this, Dynamic Tower could really mean something, as it add a new standard of building a sky scraper.